Girl geeks will soon be a-twitter about the news that cosmetics giant MAC is releasing a limited-edition makeup collaboration with Apple. In news revealed exclusively to BellaSugar, the collection of lipsticks and eye shadows — MAC², get it? — coincides with the 10th anniversary of Mac OS X and the iPod, and is launching today, on the 35th anniversary of Apple's founding.
"Like Apple, MAC likes to think different," said MAC public relations associate Donna Scherzo. "Their commitment to innovation and design pairs perfectly with MAC's tradition of pushing boundaries." Scherzo spoke at a top-secret launch event in Cupertino, which brought beauty experts and engineers together. Makeup artists offered guidance on creating three different looks, while engineers provided lessons on Objective C programming basics.
Full collection photos and more info this way.
Lipglass in 128k ($16)
Echoing the sleek white packaging of Apple products, the MAC² cases are embossed with Apple's iconic logo. With the exception of one Lipglass in 128k, which is the soft beige of the original Macintosh computer, the shades all play off the multi-colored logo used by Apple from 1976 to 1998. "While we know most women won't wear green lipstick, we wanted to reference our brand history," Apple public relations VP Stór Lygari said of the bold color story. "Our calculations suggest that for every woman who buys a green lipstick, 25 will prefer a red one, so production has been planned accordingly."
In an unprecedented move, MAC² will be sold online, at Apple stores, and at MAC boutiques. Before shopping, Apple fans can get an early taste of the collection through a free MAC² app for iPhone 4, available now at the iTunes Store. Using face-recognition technology, the app automatically suggests the most flattering MAC² products. It also allows fans to pre-order their favorite items — not a bad idea, considering the high demand for anything Apple.
Here, an exclusive first look at the entire collection with names and prices. Get even more information and shop Mac² here.
From top left: Safari, Snow Leopard, 1984, Type -43, Switch, and Reboot ($16)
From top left: /dev/null, Genius Bar, Infinite Loop, StyleWriter, Wild Eep, U+F8FF ($14.50)
"Like Apple, MAC likes to think different," said MAC public relations associate Donna Scherzo. "Their commitment to innovation and design pairs perfectly with MAC's tradition of pushing boundaries." Scherzo spoke at a top-secret launch event in Cupertino, which brought beauty experts and engineers together. Makeup artists offered guidance on creating three different looks, while engineers provided lessons on Objective C programming basics.
Full collection photos and more info this way.
Lipglass in 128k ($16)
Echoing the sleek white packaging of Apple products, the MAC² cases are embossed with Apple's iconic logo. With the exception of one Lipglass in 128k, which is the soft beige of the original Macintosh computer, the shades all play off the multi-colored logo used by Apple from 1976 to 1998. "While we know most women won't wear green lipstick, we wanted to reference our brand history," Apple public relations VP Stór Lygari said of the bold color story. "Our calculations suggest that for every woman who buys a green lipstick, 25 will prefer a red one, so production has been planned accordingly."
In an unprecedented move, MAC² will be sold online, at Apple stores, and at MAC boutiques. Before shopping, Apple fans can get an early taste of the collection through a free MAC² app for iPhone 4, available now at the iTunes Store. Using face-recognition technology, the app automatically suggests the most flattering MAC² products. It also allows fans to pre-order their favorite items — not a bad idea, considering the high demand for anything Apple.
Here, an exclusive first look at the entire collection with names and prices. Get even more information and shop Mac² here.
From top left: Safari, Snow Leopard, 1984, Type -43, Switch, and Reboot ($16)
From top left: /dev/null, Genius Bar, Infinite Loop, StyleWriter, Wild Eep, U+F8FF ($14.50)